Career Portfolio Samples
Guiding Students to Career Success
Creating Your Career Portfolio: At a Glance Guide for Students, 4th Ed.
Geared to students who are in college. The focus is on using skills from education, work experiences, internships, and activities to get a job, compete for internships and scholarships, and use their career portfolio on the job. Focus is on identifying current skills, target skills needed for the job and setting the career goals to cover the gap between the two.
Career Transitions Workbook, 2nd Ed.
Focusing on Skills Assessment, Career Exploration, and Transferable Skills. Geared to Students, Workforce Development, Reentry, and At-Risk Youth Populations.
Career Transitions Transferable Skills & Career Portfolio Workbook contains skill awareness exercises designed to help people identify their current skills and the skills they need to succeed. It also contains checklists and guidelines for creating a résumé and assembling a personalized career portfolio.
College Prep Portfolio Workbook , 2nd Ed.
Designed for high school students looking to focus their skills as they prepare for college. The College Prep Portfolio Workbook contains skill awareness exercises designed to help high school students identify their current skills and the skills they need to succeed. It also contains checklists and guidelines for creating a résumé and assembling a personalized college prep portfolio.
Free Curriculum Guide
Get your free copy of the Student Career Portfolio Curriculum Guide for ideas on how to integrate career portfolios and skill building exercises into your class or program.