Career Portfolios
Create the ultimate tool to self-manage your careerImprove Confidence
Provide an Edge
Take Charge of Your Career
Do ePortfolios Right
It’s Time to Showcase Yourself
A Career Portfolio is a tool to help people plan, organize, and document work samples and skills.
A career portfolio is a collection of information each person designs and creates to present the best of themselves to other people. In a hard copy binder or electronic form, a career portfolio helps individuals organize skills and abilities to market themselves to others:
for job interviews
to compete for internships
to track and quantify internship experience
to compete for scholarships
in performance reviews
in promotions and career shifts
Using a portfolio can help you get a job, get a higher starting salary, show transferable skills, track personal development, and position yourself for advancement.

What’s in a Career Portfolio?
Career Portfolios contain:
- Goals and Values
- Resume
- Skill Areas including: Work Samples, Letters of Recommendation, Skill Sets, Works in Progress
- Certifications, Diplomas, Degrees, or Awards
- Community Service
- Professional Memberships and Service
- Academic Plan of Study
- Faculty and Employer Biographies

Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance Guides
For over 20 years Learnovation has been promoting Career Portfolios as a way to identify, document, and showcase skills for student success and gainful employment. Way before ePortfolios became mainstream, we’ve been helping students, professionals, at-risk youth, veterans, ex-offenders, dietitians and entry workers use all their skills to succeed – professionally and personally.Our first book – Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance Guide for Students started a trend to help people see all the things they do and how they can be used to advance a career. Now, 21 years later, our Students book is in it’s 4th edition and we’ve branched out to meet the career portfolio needs of targeted groups with our At-A-Glance Guide for Dietitians, 2ed, At-A-Glance Guide for Professionals, and the At-A-Glance BASICS. We’ve expanded the series with workbooks, geared to different groups to help people identify and track their transferable skills and assess the skills they need to reach a target job. Our books give you the HOW-TO…
It’s your career, your life, and your future.
How Well Do You Know Yourself?
Get the How-To's
Career portfolios are for Life

What Can a Career Portfolio Do For Me?

People learn to recognize their strengths and emphasize them in a career portfolio.
Competition’s tough in the job market. A personalized portfolio can help you stand out from the crowd.
Make an ePortfolio count! So many eportfolios document classroom achievements, but how do you use an ePortfolio to sell yourself in the job market?
A Career Portfolio is a tool to help students and clients plan, organize, document their work samples and skills and take control of their own careers.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Using a Career Portfolio
Our Career Portfolio books give you the how-to’s of planning, collecting, organizing, assembling and using a customized career portfolio.
For Students
Basic Job Entry
For Professionals
For Dietitians
Skill Discovery with Career Portfolio Workbooks
Our Career Portfolio workbooks focus on skill discovery. Document the skills you have and the skills you need, whether you are prepping for college, transitioning into the workplace, or pursuing a new career field.
Career Transitions
College Prep
Help dietetic students and professional focus their skills. Integrated ACEND standards
Make the Connections
ePortfolios that Work
Sign Up for Online Ordering and Group Shipping for Your Class!
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You select a specific bundle pack for your class and set a cutoff date for ordering.
We’ll send you customized ordering instructions to distribute to your class.
Students place individual orders for their class on our secure website and pay by credit card.
We group ship the bundle packs directly to you for distribution in class. Shipping is free!
Your students avoid bookstore markups, shipping costs, and sales tax (except Indiana.)
Contact us at 888-577-1190 or click HERE to register your class!