Page 155 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 155
Action to Take: When: Expected Result:
Talk to Leah when she gets By Friday night Show her I’m interested in
home from her date on what she’s been doing.
Friday night – make time to Practicing having a
have a conversation instead conversation without
of just telling her to go to criticizing her.
bed and seeing her in the
Give Shim, who’s 9, a Talk on Sunday night at Be more specific about
detailed list of his chores to 6pm. what he needs to do,
be completed by Tuesday making sure he knows the
night, and explain the rewards and punishments
consequences of finishing for getting the job done or
the job. not. Help him not be so
frustrated with knowing
what needs to be done or
making excuses that he
didn’t know.
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Conflict in the Family Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 151
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