Page 170 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 170
Slide 8 –Gender Reactions
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For Dads:
For Moms:
Moms raising sons Fathers and daughters
You know how to nurture, here are • Girls often feel that if the family is broken,
some tips for raising boys they are broken too.
• Boys are more physical – they • Her sense of self is often connected to
tend to become more introverted how her father views her.
and talk less when they figure • When the father/daughter bond weakens,
out problems. Do activities with the girl can develop lower self-esteem
him if you want him to open up and trust issues. Daughters with strong
and talk a little more relationships with their dads tend to be
• Find a strong male role model if more self-confident and mature with a
his father is not in the picture sense of purpose.
• Push him to handle more • Show her your love – hugs, praise,
responsibility – don’t be soft on appreciation
him, but expect him to step up • Make the most of your time with your
• Learn to do guy stuff with your daughter – connect through notes, text, e-
son – it gives him a chance to do mail, talk in the car, ask her questions,
guy stuff and teach you a few help her with homework, cook dinner
things at the same time together
• Teach him how to treat a • Have special one-on-one time with her –
woman– require him to be take her to lunch, special shopping trip,
respectful, kind, teach him go to the park with a picnic…
manners, and being thoughtful
166 Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual Kids and Divorce
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