Page 175 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 175
Discussion – Slide 12 (10 Minutes)
Slide 12– Parenting At a Distance
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Group Discussion
For Evaluation Only
For the custodial parent: For the non-custodial parent:
It’s your job to help support the Custody issues – only 10-15% of fathers
relationship between your child have joint custody after the family splits-
and their other parent. that means almost 90% of fathers live apart
• Don’t badmouth the other from their children. They miss the day-to-
parent day interaction with their kids that can mean
• Create specific times where so much to teaching values, behavior, what’s
your ex can call and connect important, showing affection and love on a
with the kids. Make sure it’s not daily basis.
a time where everyone is busy
and it’s hectic around the There's no such thing as a part-time dad.
house. You're either a dad or you're not. Many
• Be a little flexible on visitations. divorced dads spend more time with their
If your ex needs more time or kids than fathers in intact families. But no
the schedule needs to adjust matter how much time you spend with your
because of your child’s children, if you commit to it regularly and
activities, give them more time. responsibly, you're a dad.
• Share information about your
child, from school information
and activities, to activities and
Kids and Divorce Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 171
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