Page 179 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 179
Action to Take: When: Expected Result:
Talk to my ex to set up By Tuesday night Make time to stay
good times to call my connected to my kids,
kids at least three times show them I’m
a week. interested in them and
want to help.
Have a calm time
where we can really
talk about things going
on, not just a “Hi, how
are you?”
Join the support group Talk to Jen on Sunday I need support and
at church for single morning. advice on how to be a
mom’s that meets on better parent. Need to
the 3 Thursday of the talk with other women
in my position. Hope to
month. ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
feel some relief and get
a chance to express my
For Evaluation Only feelings.
Kids and Divorce Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 175
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