Page 181 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 181



               The Big Picture
               This pamphlet focuses on the special needs of single parents, parents who are cohabitating with
               another partner, and parents who have remarried and may be blending two families together.

               The pamphlet reviews the basic things kids need in a family situation to feel safe and secure. The
               pamphlet touches on key ways to be successful as a single parent, if you are living together with
               someone, and tips for bringing two families together. An exercise helps understand how setting
               up routines in the household can make a huge difference for their kids.

                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
               The IM helps parents identify specific issues to single parenting, live-in partners, and step
               families and understand how the age of a child can impact their reactions and how they interact
               in the family setting. The IM also provides tips on dating when you have kids, and successfully
               parenting when parents develop new relationships. Parents will identify the things they can
               control and not control in their current household situation, and explore hidden issues that
               cause us to deflect anger at others.

               Activities                          Learning Objectives
                                                   After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
               In Pamphlet:        For Evaluation Only
                 Setting up Routines              From Pamphlet:
                 Hold a family meeting             Identify the emotional and physical needs of children in a
                  once a week                         family setting.
                                                    Identify good parenting techniques for single parents.
               In IM                                Identify issues that impact kids when you have a live-in
                 My Child – Our Current            List what makes a healthy step-family.
                  Family Setting                   From IM:
                 My Household Situation            Explain issues of single parenting that impact the parent as
                 What’s Really Making                a mother or father.
                  You Angry?                        Identify how dating choices impact children.
                 Personal Parenting Rule /         Identify how children react to live-in partners at different
                  Action Goal                         ages.
                                                    List ways that children can successfully adapt to a new step
                                                      family relationship.
                                                    Identify the impact of the non-custodial parent remarrying
                                                      or having a significant relationship on kids.
                                                    Identify ways to manage anger so I you don’t deflect it.
                                                    Write a personal parenting rule related to this topic.

                                                    Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet.

               Single Parenting and Step Families             Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual     177
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