Life Skills & Job Skill Pamphlets
Put critical life skills and job skills in reach of your clients today!One Topic at a Time
Targeted Pamphlets Sets teach the critical skills your clients need…
Now also available in an online format
- Four page layout — easy to comprehend with activities to explore the topic
- Explore one topic at a time in each pamphlet
- Content is chunked for easy understanding and engagement
- Each pamphlet can be completed in 30-45 minutes by weak readers or unidentified special needs learners
- Available in English and Spanish

Develop Targeted Skills

Built-In Assessment
Each pamphlet set comes with an assessment document.
Use the pre-assessment to identify immediate needs.

Trainer's Guides
- Includes CD with PowerPoint slides for each pamphlet
- Additional content and exercises supplement pamphlet series
- Detailed training guidelines

Which Series Do Your Clients or Students Need?
- Workforce Readiness
- Financial Literacy
- Essential Life Skills
- Study Skills
- Parenting Skills
- Health & Wellness
- Reentry
- College Boot Camp
- Job Camp

Teach Key Job & Life Skills – One Skill at a Time
Our pamphlet series teach targeted job and life skills. With built-in assessments and our detailed trainer’s guide, you can hit the ground running. Whether you’re starting from scratch, or refreshing a current training program, providing supplemental information or delivering a full program, our pamphlets can make a difference in people’s lives and provide the outcomes measurement you need to keep your program alive and thriving.
Now Available in an Online Format!
Call for details: 888-577-1190
Built-In Outcomes Assessment
Each pamphlet comes with an outcome assessment designed to measure the knowledge and skills learned in the pamphlet. Instructors rank each person’s skills level as “awareness” “practicing” or “mastery.”
Which Series Do You Need?
Click on a pamphlet title below to see more details
Job Readiness/Life Skills – Fourteen pamphlets, with seven pamphlets focused on basic job skills of finding, interviewing, starting, and keeping a job; and seven pamphlets focused on life skills of managing money, stress, conflict, housing and household setup, and identifying abuse.
Financial Literacy
Thirteen pamphlets focused on the basics of money management including: budgeting, gainful employment, checking and savings accounts, handling credit, paying bills, paying taxes and insurance, loans, education and planning for the future.
Twelve pamphlets focused on the basics of life with kids, what to expect as kids grow, being a good parent, talking with kids, discipline, conflict in the family, kids and divorce, single and blended families, kid’s health, kids & school, when kids are in trouble, and finding help in the community.
Fourteen pamphlets cover the necessary job and life skills to succeed in the workplace post release. Seven pamphlets focused on basic job skills of finding, interviewing, starting, and keeping a job; and seven pamphlets focused on life skills of managing money, stress, conflict, housing and household setup, and building relationships.
Wellness & Nutrition
Thirteen pamphlets covering the ways to manage your own health including: staying healthy, getting the most out of doctor visits, managing medication and medical history, understanding special medical concerns, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues including PTSD and special needs learning.
Study Skills
Eleven pamphlets focused on improving study skills, including how to study using technology, writing, taking notes, using the internet and social media, time management, basic study skills, and what it means to be a professional.
Essential Life Skills
Twelve pamphlets focusing on a combination of critical life skills pulled from the workforce, financial literacy, study skills, and health & wellness pamphlet series.
Short on Time? Try our Mini Camps!
Mini Boot Camp includes 9 sessions with pamphlets and assessment documents:
- Are you ready for College?
- Identifying Your Target Job
- Being a Professional
- The Career Portfolio Starter
- Paying My Bills
- Managing Stress
- Basic Study Skills
- Staying Healthy
- Setting Up Your Household
Mini Job Camp: includes 6 sessions with pamphlets and assessment documents:
- Taking Control of Your Skills
- Gainful Employment-Value vs. Cost
- Finding a Job
- Social Media and Your Career
- Filling out a Job Application
- Job Interviews
Key Pamphlet Features…

We Know Instructional Design…
We keep it simple, easy, and geared to all learners!
Four page layout — easy to comprehend with activities to explore the topic
Each pamphlet can be completed in 30-45 minutes by weak readers or unidentified special needs learners.
All materials chunked for easy understanding and engagement
Individualized mini performance appraisal outcomes assessment tool.
Designed for independent study or small groups.
Materials written at a 9th grade reading level so that they are federally reimbursable for literacy programming
Strong pass-around factors to other family members
Expand your Training Options
Get Ready to Teach With Our Instructor’s Guides
Each pamphlet series has a companion Instructor’s Guide- designed to add 1 1/2 – 2 hours of additional training information, slides, activities, and detailed teaching notes. Get your staff up and running fast and take the guess work out of instruction.
Key Features:
- Detailed teaching outline—gives the provider a guideline for delivering the training to the client.
- Additional content and exercises supplement the material in each pamphlet.
- PowerPoint slide deck for each pamphlet makes it easy to teach