Page 259 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 259
Discussion – Slide 2 (7 Minutes)
Slide 2 – What’s Happened to My Kid?
child now? ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
Discussion: For Evaluation Only
How many of you parents are seeing this in your relationship with your
Kids are hot-wired at puberty to argue with their parents, to start to
separate themselves as individuals.
Having a good relationship with your kids with good communication is a
plus when dealing with teens. Remember back in Pamphlet #3 – Being a
Good Parent, where we looked at the parenting styles?
o Authoritarian parents tend to always be in control – older kids are
starting to fight for control of themselves.
o The Permissive parents who let the kids do what they want and
didn’t set firm boundaries, are now dealing with teens who feel
entitled, who have the control, but without the skills to make good
o The Uninvolved parents are reaping the rewards of kids who have
been making their own decisions for years. They may be looking for
attention by acting out or as a way to maintain control.
o The Authoritative parents have the best chance of having a good
relationship with their teens.
When Your Kids Are In Trouble Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 255
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