Page 4 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 4

Time Out!                                Exercise: My Parental Scorecard                                                    As a parent, you have one of the most important,

                                                  Take a look at the Exercise on page 3. Use the space                               challenging, and rewarding jobs in the world.   Parenting
         As a parent, you have a right to some   below to give examples of things you are doing well, and                           You are responsible for another human being –
            personal time too. Be sure to plan time  areas where you think you need to improve as a parent.                          their care, well-being, and growth from a baby   No. 1
            for yourself into your day.                                                                                               to an independent adult. Each child is different,
         As a parent, you are working hard to     Things I Do Well:                                                                  and as a parent it’s up to you to provide for their
            provide the basics for your kids. There                                                                                  needs, both physical and emotional.
            are many places you can go to get help.                                                                     No one said this is an easy job. There are lots of times you
            Don’t be too frightened or proud to ask                                                       will be tired, frustrated, angry, and wonder whether it’s worth the effort. The
            for help, especially where your kids are
            concerned.                                                                                    pamphlets in this series will address many of these issues in detail, and help
                    ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
                                                                                                          guide you through some of the challenges you’ll face as a parent.

                                For Evaluation Only
         Try This at Home...                                                                           Reality Check...                            8 Critical Responsibilities
                                                                                                                                                   parents must meet to
         Sit down tonight and watch an hour of                                                                                                     raise healthy kids:
         TV with your kids. Let them choose the    Areas Where I Need to Improve:                        8 You don’t have to be the perfect
         channel, and see what they watch. Watch                                                            parent - just do your best and love    1.  Provide a safe environment             Life With Kids
         your kids and see how they behave. Are                                                             your kids.                             2.  Provide basic needs
         they laughing and smiling? Are they glued                                                                                                 3.  Provide self-esteem needs
         to the TV, or are they watching it while                                                        8 Kids are not mini-adults. Don’t treat
         playing on their phone? Are they acting                                                            them like they should be.              4.  Teach morals and values
         out what they see, or just looking?  How do                                                                                               5.  Develop mutual respect with
         you feel about the program? Do you think                                                        8 Make some time for yourself. You’ll        your child
         this show is appropriate? Talk to your kids                                                        be a better parent if you can relax    6.  Provide discipline that is
         about the show, and ask them what they                                                             with your own friends once in a while     effective and appropriate
         liked best. What did you learn about your                                                          and take time to play.
         child?                                                                                                                                    7.  Get involved in your child’s
                                                                                                         8 Set a good example - your kids are         education
                                                                                                            watching you to see how they should
                                                          Disclaimer:                                       behave.                                8.  Get to know your
                                 ©2021 Learnovation , LLC   Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve                              child.
                                   All Rights Reserved.   their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve
                            as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not   8 Have fun with your kids, take time to
                                                          intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be   get to know them and talk with them.
                                                          taken as legal, personal, or other advice.
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