Page 2 - Essential Life Skills - #1 Building Relationships - Pamphlet
P. 2

Elements of a Good Relationship              Having a Good Relationship                             What Do You Do Well?
                                                     with Your Kids
        Here are characteristics that go into                                                             What are your strengths when relating to other people? Complete the following sentences, listing
        creating and keeping a good relationship,    As a parent, you are a role                          things you do right in a particular relationship. (Circle the relationship in the sentence that
        whether it’s with family, friends, co-       model for your children. Kids                        applies.)
        workers, your spouse, or kids.               are watching your physical
                                                     and emotional responses to                           1.  I believe I am a good (parent, partner, employee, son, daughter, friend)
           ƒ  Trust – believing what someone says,   different situations. They are                           because I: ____________________________________________________________
            following through on promises, telling the
            truth, being open, not keeping secrets.  learning from you what “normal” behavior is.             ___________________________________________________________________
                                                     One of the toughest jobs we have as parents is to        __________________________________________________________________
           ƒ  Empathy – understanding how someone    set the good example we want our kids to follow.
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            feels, and offering support.             Parenting means:                                     2.  I believe I am a good (parent, partner, employee, son, daughter, friend)
           ƒ  Respect – paying attention to others,                                                           because I: ____________________________________________________________
            showing good manners, treating people as     ƒ  Keeping your children safe                        ___________________________________________________________________
            you want to be treated.                      ƒ  Setting up expectations - boundaries for behavior,   __________________________________________________________________
                                For Evaluation Only
           ƒ  Being there – giving someone your full     following rules, treating others with respect, etc.  3.  I believe I am a good (parent, partner, employee, son, daughter, friend)
            attention, don’t get distracted by your      ƒ  Giving the right discipline                       because I: ____________________________________________________________
            phone or the next thing you want to say.     ƒ  Teaching children self-control                    ___________________________________________________________________

           ƒ  Being real –  you feel comfortable         ƒ  Controlling your own anger and emotions when      __________________________________________________________________
            being who you are, and don’t need to be      you’re upset
            someone you’re not.                                                                           Where Can You Improve?

           ƒ  Good communication                         ƒ  Building their confidence by spending time    Now list the top three ways you can work on your relationships.
                                                         together, getting involved, and giving them praise.
                ƒ  Really listening to others
                ƒ  Thinking before talking           Self-Esteem/Respect                                  1.  I could do a better job as a (parent, partner, employee, son, daughter, friend)

                ƒ  Compromise                        Good relationships with other people start with having   if I: ________________________________________________________________
                ƒ  Deal with conflicts when they     a good relationship with yourself. Watch your self-talk   ___________________________________________________________________
                happen                               – don’t say bad things about yourself.  Don’t say:
                ƒ  Giving and taking feedback        “I can’t do this...” Do say: “This may be hard, but I   2.  I could do a better job as a (parent, partner, employee, son, daughter, friend)
                                                     can do this...”                                          if I: ________________________________________________________________
                ƒ  Don’t make assumptions
                                                     “No one cares...”  Do say: “There are people in my life   ___________________________________________________________________
                ƒ  Apologize when you’re wrong
                                                     who matter...”                                           ___________________________________________________________________
           ƒ  Offer to help, reach out, give love
                                                     “He will never notice if I just take one...” Do say:   3.  I could do a better job as a (parent, partner, employee, son, daughter, friend)
           ƒ  Show gratitude and appreciation.
                                                     “Stealing is wrong, if it isn’t mine, I shouldn’t take   if I: ________________________________________________________________
                                                     it...”                                                   ___________________________________________________________________
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