Page 4 - Essential Life Skills - #1 Building Relationships - Pamphlet
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aving good relationships with people
        Take Action!                                 What Happens If I Screw Up?                                                            Hcan make you healthier, happier,

                                                     Great question, it depends on how you handle it. If                                     and live a longer life. The connections   Essential
                                                                                                                                                                                     Life Skills
        Being a Trustworthy Employee                 you deny it, or ignore it, usually things get worse.                                    we make with friends, family, spouses,   Series
                                                     The best way to admit you have a problem is to                                          significant others and children reflect
                                                     own up to it. Start by telling the truth.                                               how we feel about ourselves and what we   No. 1
          Arrive 15 minutes early – everyday!                                                                                               have to offer others. When relationships
          Do not argue.                             Admit when you make a mistake. The best thing                                           are stressed, you can become tired,
                                                     to do is to ask for help with your problem. Do your
          Ask questions in a respectful manner so you   best.                                                                               depressed, and have more physical
           can learn.                                                                                    illness. Good relationships can make you smile and laugh, allow you to grow as
          Finish the job. Do more than is expected.    If you make a mistake – say so.                 a person, and give you strength to get through the hard times. Here are some
                    ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
          Have a good attitude.                       If you do something wrong – say so.              ideas on building relationships and keeping positive relationships.
          Always tell the truth.                      If you want help or do not know what to do

          Stay on task!                                 – ask for it. Get help before the problem is                                           What’s in a Friend?
           – Comb your hair  For Evaluation Only                                                           The Basic Rules of Working           who shows an interest in your life and         Building Relationships
          Dress with care, even in a                    so big no one can fix it. Avoiding the problem   Get Organized                         A real friend is someone you can trust,
           uniform. How you look makes
                                                         only lets things get out of control and makes
           a difference.  Make sure you
                                                         people angry!
           are neat, clean, and orderly.
                                                                                                                                                what you have to say, think, and feel.
           How you present yourself
                                                                                                                                                They accept you as you are without
                                                     If friends and family say “NO,” take them at
                                                                                                            and Playing With Others
           shows how much you care
                                                                                                                                                and feel. Look at your relationships
           about yourself.                           their word.                                         Some of the most important things we   judging you or telling you what to think
                                                                                                         really do learn in Kindergarten!
                                                                                                                                                and ask yourself:
           – Clean your shoes                                                                               ƒ Take turns.                          ƒ  Do you feel better spending time
           – Straighten out your clothes.
                                                                                                            ƒ Play fair.                           with this person?
          Keep your work area in order.                                                                    ƒ Use your words.                      ƒ  Can you be yourself?
          Don’t surround yourself with mess!  Clutter                                                                                             ƒ  Do you feel safe?
           reflects on you.                                                                                 ƒ Listen to others.
                                                                                                            ƒ Say it nicely.                       ƒ  Does the other person support me
                                                                                                                                                   and seem to care about me?
                                                                                                            ƒ Apologize.
                                                                                                                                                   ƒ  Do they show me respect?
                                                                                                            ƒ Share.
                                                             Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people                                      ƒ  Do I feel like I can trust them?
                              ©2019 Learnovation , LLC       to manage their own careers. We believe in a     ƒ Do a favor for
                                All Rights Reserved.         holistic approach to job readiness - job skills and                                If you find yourself saying “No” to any
                               life skills working together to bring out the best in   someone else.              of these questions, take time to find
                                                                                                                                                out why. What needs to shift to feel
                                                                                                                                                better about this person or issue?
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