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Parent Assessment

                                               Parenting Pamphlets

        Parent’s Name: _______________________

        Case Manager: _______________________                                        Today’s Date: _________________

                                                                                            Strongly     Disagree   Strongly   Disagree

             Circle the response that best matches your feeling.                               Agree   Agree

         1.  I am confident in my parenting skills                                          SA    A    D     SD    P-
         2.  I get along well with my child’s other parent.                                 SA    A    D     SD    P7-

         3.  My kids have never been physically or emotionally abused.                      SA    A    D     SD    P1-
         4.  My kids are having problems with my separation or divorce.                     SA    A    D     SD    P7
         5.  My neighborhood feels safe to me.                                              SA    A    D     SD    P1-
         6.  I know how to comfort my crying child.                                         SA    A    D     SD    P2-
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
         7.  My child follows a daily routine.                                              SA    A    D     SD    P8-
         8.  I don’t know when to start potty training my child.                            SA    A    D     SD    P2
         9.  My child is having problems with my partner/spouse.                            SA    A    D     SD    P8
                                           For Evaluation Only
        10. I give in to my kids sometimes because I feel guilty.                           SA    A    D     SD    P3
        11. My child is overweight.                                                         SA    A    D     SD    P9
        12. I feel like I am a good role model for my child.                                SA    A    D     SD    P3-
        13. My children get regular medical checkups once a year.                           SA    A    D     SD    P9-
        14. I catch my kids lying a lot.                                                    SA    A    D     SD    P4
        15. I regularly talk with my child’s teachers.                                      SA    A    D     SD    P10-

        16. My kids don’t listen to me.                                                     SA    A    D     SD    P4
        17. I think having a good education is important.                                   SA    A    D     SD    P10-
        18. I feel comfortable disciplining my kids.                                        SA    A    D     SD    P5-

        19. I don’t feel safe around my child.                                              SA    A    D     SD    P11
        20. I usually don’t follow through on punishment when my kids break the rules.      SA    A    D     SD    P5
        21. I’m concerned about some of my child’s behavior.                                SA    A    D     SD    P11
        22. I am constantly having a conflict with my child.                                SA    A    D     SD    P6
        23. I worry about feeding my family.                                                SA    A    D     SD    P12

        24. I never get angry with my friends or family.                                    SA    A    D     SD    P6-
        25. I need to find better childcare for my kids.                                    SA    A    D     SD    P12
        26. I have friends and family I can count on.                                       SA    A    D     SD    P-

        27. I yell a lot at my kids.                                                        SA    A    D     SD    P
        28. My kids are home alone a lot of times.                                          SA    A    D     SD    P

        Parent Pre-Assessment                                                                   Parenting Pamphlet Series
        ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
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