Page 2 - Parenting Assessments
P. 2
Code Sheet for Parenting
Assessment Survey
Parent Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________
Case Manager: ______________________________________
The Parent Assessment is used to determine which pamphlets are especially needed by each parent.
The Parent Assessment has two questions related to each pamphlet, and four questions
related to general parenting issues.
Code the parent’s answer onto this form in the corresponding column. You will only track
specific responses that indicate an immediate need.
Indicate in the Code column which pamphlets you will prioritize for this parent.
For Evaluation Only
The parent needs immediate
Code ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
assistance with this topic if they
P General Parenting Issues 1 28 1 - SD or D 28 - SA or A
P General Parenting Issues 26 27 26- SD or D 27 - SA or A
P1 Life With Kids 3 5 3 - SD or D 5 - SD or D
P2 What to Expect as Kids Grow 6 8 6 - SD or D 8 - SA or A
P3 Being a Good Parent 10 12 10 - SA or A 12 - SD or D
Talking and Connecting with 14 16 14 - SA or A 16 - SA or A
P5 Disciplining Kids 18 20 18 - SD or D 20 - SA or A
P6 Conflict in the Family 22 24 22 - SA or A 24 - SD or D
P7 Kids and Divorce 2 4 2 - SD or D 4 - SA or A
Single Parenting and Step 7 9 7 - SD or D 9 - SA or A
P9 Keeping Kids Healthy 11 13 11 - SA or A 13- SD or D
P10 Kids and School 15 17 15 - SD or D 17- SD or D
P11 When Your Kids Are in Trouble 19 21 19 - SA or A 21 - SA or A
Finding Help in Your 23 25 23 - SA or A 25 - SA or A
Parent Pre-Assessment Answer Sheet Parenting Pamphlet Series
©2022 Learnovation®, LLC