Page 12 - Parenting Assessments
P. 12

#10 – Kids and School – ASSESSMENT

                      Parent’s Name: _______________________                Today’s Date:
                      Case Manager: _______________________                 ________________

               Assessment Checklist
                   Check the box for each of the following knowledge, skills, and/or abilities (KSAs) the parent has
                   successfully demonstrated.

                From Pamphlet:                                 Additional Content in Instructor’s Manual:

                 Explain why it’s important for kids to have   List the benefits to your child of having a
                    a good education.                              good education.
                 Identify ways to help my child have a good    Identify what my kids are learning at different
                    day at school.                                 ages.
                 Describe the best ways to communicate         Identify different ways my ex can support our
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
                    with my child’s teachers.                      child in school.
                 List good ways to help my child manage        Identify school related issues that cause
                    homework.                                      anger and frustration for me or my child, and
                 Identify different types of learning             the need for behavior management plans.
                                           For Evaluation Only

               Skill Level Assessment
                   Directions: Circle the appropriate column to indicate what skill level the parent has reached.
                                                       Practicing (P)
                                                                              Mastery (M)
                                 Awareness (A)
                                “Trying this skill”
                                                                           “Expert at this skill”
                                                    “Practicing this skill”
               From Pamphlet:                     Skill List                                    Skill Level
               Express your feelings about education.                                            A / P / M
               Identify any learning problems I have.                                            A / P / M
               Express the type of education I want for my child.                                A / P / M
               Create a weekly family calendar.                                                  A / P / M
                Additional Content in Instructor’s Manual:
               Identify how well my child is doing in school and any current issues that need to   A / P / M
               be addressed.
               Identify things I can control and not control related to my child’s education.    A / P / M
               Identify issues with school that cause my child to need a behavior management     A / P / M
               Write a personal parenting rule related to the topic in this pamphlet.            A / P / M
               Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet.                            A / P / M

               I, _________________________ have completed all necessary reading and exercises related
               to the Parenting Series pamphlet Kids and School. The case manager and I have reviewed
               all the above items that required discussion.

               ___________________________                           ___________________________
                           Parent’s Signature                                    Case Manager’s Signature

               Kids and School –  P10                                                    Parenting Pamphlet Series
               ©2022 Learnovation , LLC
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