Page 13 - Parenting Assessments
P. 13
#11 – When Your Kids Are in Trouble – ASSESSMENT
Parent’s Name: _______________________ Today’s Date:
Case Manager: _______________________ _________________
Assessment Checklist
Check the box for each of the following knowledge, skills, and/or abilities (KSAs) the parent has
successfully demonstrated.
From Pamphlet: Additional Content in Instructor’s Manual:
Identify common at-risk behaviors to watch List issues children may be exposed to at
for in my child. different ages.
Describe signs of violent behavior and Identify ways your can be supportive to your
bullying. child at different ages.
Describe signs of drug and alcohol use. List different ways to manage defiant children.
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Describe the signs of depression, self-harm, Identify ways to work with your child’s other
and eating disorders to watch for in my parent to help them through problems.
child. Identify ways the non-custodial parent can
Identify issues with a sexually active teen. provide support to my child.
For Evaluation Only
List possible resources I can use when my Explain the contents of a family contract.
child has a problem.
Skill Level Assessment
Directions: Circle the appropriate column to indicate what skill level the parent has reached.
Practicing (P)
Awareness (A)
Mastery (M)
“Expert at this skill”
“Practicing this skill”
“Trying this skill”
From Pamphlet: Skill List Skill Level
Identify any at-risk behaviors my child may be showing. A / P / M
Express my feelings about risky behavior I am seeing in my child. A / P / M
List actions to take when I see my child showing signs of risky behavior. A / P / M
Stop and watch my child’s behavior for any signs of at-risk behavior. A / P / M
Additional Content in Instructor’s Manual:
Identify any warning signs my child may be showing. A / P / M
Identify resources I can use to help my child. A / P / M
Identify things I can control/ I don’t control when my child is in trouble. A / P / M
List the contents of a family contract. A / P / M
Write a personal parenting rule related to the topic in this pamphlet. A / P / M
Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet. A / P / M
I, _________________________ have completed all necessary reading and exercises related
to the Parenting Series pamphlet When Your Kids Are In Trouble. The case manager and I
have reviewed all the above items that required discussion.
___________________________ ___________________________
Parent’s Signature Case Manager’s Signature
When Your Kids Are in Trouble– P11 Parenting Pamphlet Series
©2022 Learnovation , LLC