Page 125 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 125
Discussion / Activity – Slide 10 (7 Minutes)
Slide 10 – Taking Responsibility
©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
For Evaluation Only
Taking Responsibility
Have parents talk about the challenges they have providing discipline for
their kids on a daily basis.
What are some of the key trends?
Kids aren’t listening – don’t respect that I will follow through with
Getting angry and getting violent or out of control.
Kids think I’m too hard on them and hate me.
My ex feels totally different about some issues, and the kids have totally
different rules there.
I’m a single parent – I feel guilty I’m not spending more time with them, so
I tend to let things slide more than I should.
Other people disagree with how I’m disciplining, so they do the opposite
with my kids, or interfere.
Review the slide and have parents identify what things in their day related
to discipline they can control, and what they can’t control on the Parenting
Worksheet. It’s all about learning to control what you can, and dealing with
the things you can’t.
Disciplining Kids Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 121
©2019 Learnovation®, LLC