Page 133 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 133
The Big Picture
This pamphlet focuses on helping parents find ways to deal with family conflicts in a positive
way. Conflict isn’t always a bad thing, but we tend to see it that way. Learning ways to head off
tantrums and outbursts before they start, setting clear expectations, and using consistent
discipline can decrease fights and arguments.
The pamphlet reviews the basic rules of getting along in a family, how to read body language,
dealing with fighting siblings, and practice positive ways to resolve conflict. An exercise helps
them identify their own hot buttons.
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The IM helps parents explore their style of conflict, and understand how they react to conflict
impacts their children. The IM also helps parents identify their child’s hot buttons, and practice
techniques to express anger appropriately to reduce family conflicts. Parents will expand on the
rules of communication and discipline from previous pamphlets and develop specific rules for
handling conflicts in their household.
Learning Objectives
Activities For Evaluation Only
In Pamphlet: After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
What are My Hot From Pamphlet:
Buttons? Describe basic rules for getting along with other people.
Identify ways to resolve conflict in a positive way.
In IM Identify the meaning of different types of body language.
List reasons siblings fight, and identify ways to reduce
How I Feel About sibling conflict.
Conflict Set a time to meet as a family where everyone can
My Child’s Hot Buttons complain about their issues and talk through solutions.
My Child – Current
Conflicts From IM:
Working through Family Describe the impact of abuse on kids.
Conflicts Identify their personal style of handling conflict.
Rules for Handling Identify their child’s hot buttons and style of conflict.
Develop a list of rules to follow for handling conflicts in
Conflicts their household.
Personal Parenting Rule / Identify ways to reduce parenting conflicts with their ex.
Action Goal Write a personal parenting rule related to the pamphlet
Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet.
Conflict in the Family Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 129
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