Page 135 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 135


                 Instructors Manual      Knowledge                 Skills                    Abilities
                 Parenting          2.C.1.a -            2.A.1.a  - Reading        1.A.1.a.2– Written
                 Worksheet:         Administration and   Comprehension             Comprehension
                 Evaluating your    Management           2.A.1.c - Writing         1.A.1.a.4– Written Expression
                 child’s hot buttons   2.C.1.b - Clerical   2.A.2.a - Critical Thinking   1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
                 and identifying    2.C.1.f - Personnel   2.A.2.d - Monitoring     Reasoning
                 current conflicts   and Human           2.B.1.a - Social          1.A.1.b.6 - Information
                                    Resources            Perceptiveness            Ordering
                                    2.C.6.a - Education   2.B.4.e - Judgment and
                                    and Training         Decision Making
                                                         2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis
                 Parenting          2.C.1.a -            2.A.1.a  - Reading        1.A.1.a.1– Oral
                 Worksheet: Rules   Administration and   Comprehension             Comprehension
                 for handling       Management           2.A.1.b - Active Listening   1.A.1.a.2– Written
                 conflict in my     2.C.1.b - Clerical   2.A.2.d - Monitoring      Comprehension
                 house              2.C.6.a - Education   2.B.1.a - Social         1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
                                    and Training
                                                         2.B.4.e - Judgment and
                                                                                   1.A.1.b.6 - Information
                                                         2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis
                                                         Decision Making           Ordering
                                   For Evaluation Only

               Teaching Tips
                 Use the activity on how you feel about discipline and punishment as a way to have
                  students self-assess their parenting style, identify their current practices, and begin to
                  identify behaviors they want to change.

               Additional Resources
               Want to expand on reading body language? Here’s a great online visual quiz to interpreting
               facial expressions.
               It gives you 20 different expressions and explains why they are interpreted that way.

               Conflict in the Family        Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual                 131
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