Page 253 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 253


                    ARE IN TROUBLE

               The Big Picture
               This pamphlet helps parents recognize common trouble areas for kids and the symptoms that can
               indicate their child needs help.

               The pamphlet overviews the at-risk behaviors that signal a child may be in trouble. Specific
               issues of violence, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, sexual
               activity and bullying are addressed. An exercise asks parents to stop and observe their kids and
               their behavior, and identify possible problems their child may have.

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               The IM looks at reasons kids get into trouble and the types of issues that cause kids trouble at
               different ages. A more detailed look is taken at the key trouble areas addressed in the pamphlet,
               and parents identify situations they can control and cannot control related to troubled kids. An
               exercise records the details of a personal family contract, as well as ways to work with the
               noncustodial parent to address issues with their children. Parents will develop a personal
               parenting rule, and list one action to take to improve their parenting skills.

               Activities                          Learning Objectives
                                                   After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
               In Pamphlet:        For Evaluation Only
                 Identify Your Child’s            From Pamphlet:
                  Risky Behavior                    Identify common at-risk behaviors to watch for in kids.

                 Slow down and take a              Describe signs of violent behavior and bullying.
                  look at what’s going on at        Describe signs of drug and alcohol use.
                  home                              Describe the signs of depression, self-harm and eating
                                                      disorders to watch for in kids.
               In IM                                Identify issues with a sexually active teen.
                                                    List possible resources parents can use when their kid has a
                 My Child – Is My Child In           problem.
                  Trouble?                         From IM:
                 Taking Responsibility –           List issues children may be exposed to at different ages.
                  When My Kids Are In               Identify ways parents can be supportive to their child at
                  Trouble                             different ages.
                 Family Contracts                  List different ways to manage defiant children.
                 Personal Parenting Rule /         Identify ways to work with the child’s other parent to help
                  Action Goal                         them through problems.
                                                    Identify ways the non-custodial parent can provide support
                                                      to their child.
                                                    Explain the contents of a family contract.

               When Your Kids Are In Trouble     Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual             249

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