Page 279 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 279


                    IN MY COMMUNITY

               The Big Picture
               This pamphlet helps parents identify resources in their community where they can go for help
               and assistance for their family.

               The pamphlet overviews the importance of putting the needs of kids first. There are resources
               available in every community to help children of all ages succeed and stay healthy. The
               pamphlet focuses on government benefit options, food programs for low income households,
               where to find quality childcare, and ways to make the most of their money. An exercise has
               parents identify in what areas they need assistance, where to turn, and what actions to take.
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC

               The IM looks at types of services generally available to kids at different ages. Activities include
               identifying the current support that the child receives and the support system of the parent.
               Parents review their anger management strategies, and identify their responsibilities in finding
               support for their family when needed. Parents will develop a personal parenting rule and list one
               action to take to improve their parenting skills.

               Activities                          Learning Objectives
                                                   After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
               In Pamphlet:        For Evaluation Only
                 My Family’s Needs                From Pamphlet:
                 Plan a low cost activity          Identify places to find assistance when needed.
                  with your family                  Describe basic government services available to parents
                                                      and child.
               In IM                                List specific food programs for which a child may qualify.
                                                    List possible options for finding childcare.
                 My Child – Support for            Identify tips for making the most of your money.
                  My Child
                 My Support System                From IM:
                 Taking Responsibility –           Identify services and assistance available to children at
                  For Getting Assistance              different ages.
                 Your Anger Management             List specific programs in the community to help children
                  Plan                                right now.
                 Personal Parenting Rule /         Identify ways to build a support service for a family.
                                                    Review strategies for managing anger.
                  Action Goal                       Identify ways the non-custodial parent can receive

                 Finding Help in Your Community     Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual          275
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