Page 45 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 45
Time Out! Making the Most of Your Money Your children are the biggest responsibilities you
In the past few years, shifts in the economy have in life as a parent. It’s a full-time job, with Parenting
and falling values of investments have overtime, for the first 18 years, before you can step No. 12
Take time to plan and dream for what made people rethink their financial into a supporting role as your kids become adults.
you want. Having a positive attitude, priorities. People are focusing less Part of life is facing challenges, whether they are
even when things are tough, will get on “having” things, and focusing financial, like the loss of a job and unexpected
medical expenses, or emotional issues such as
you farther than a “poor-me” party. more on finding what makes them divorce, stress, or an abusive situation.
Stop complaining, and say “thank happy. Do you really need that new There are many resources in every community to help families who are struggling
you” to the people who help you. sweater on the rack, or would you rather take with physical, emotional or mental issues. Knowing your options and where to go
When you are grateful for what you that money and put it in your new car fund? There when you do need help is the first step. Swallowing your pride when you don’t want to
have and what you receive, you are are many ways to shift your priorities and save ask for help and putting the needs of your children first is the biggest step. Hopefully,
the best role model your kids could money. your situation and your needs are temporary. With the right help, you can pull through
have for handling tough times. Prioritize Your Spending– Before you do tough times and be stronger. Then, when you are on your way up, don’t forget to stop
anything with your money, have a goal in mind. and give back to others who need help too.
Live Within Your Budget—Take a look at your ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
income and expenses every month. Reality Check... Finding Assistance
You can find help in many
Consider Downsizing– Decrease your expenses, For Evaluation Only in My Community
Try This at Home... and you will have more money available for places throughout the Finding Help
You can still have fun as a family even saving or investing. 8 Swallow your pride and get find community:
if your money is tight. As a family, come Have an Emergency Fund–An emergency fund assistance if you need it Government assistance–
up with several low cost or free things should be able to provide your financial needs 8 Faith-based organizations are a good for food, housing, medical
to do together, then pick one to do in for at least six months or longer. source for low-cost assistance care, childcare, health
the next two weeks. It could be a trip to Comparison Shop–Make sure you are getting insurance, job programs,
the park with a picnic lunch, having a the best price and saving money. 8 Check out the resources offered by your and tax credits
movie night with popcorn, going to a free school, and see if you qualify for free Community centers
museum, or attending a special event in Use a Shopping List—Before you go shopping, or reduced meals for your kids Faith-based programs
your community. make a list of what you need and stick to it. 8 Maintaining a job or getting more
education are good ways to pull Local food pantries
yourself out of financial crisis Goodwill and lower cost
Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve 8 Take advantage of help from friends shopping
their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve and family for temporary help Public school programs
as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not
intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be Clinics
taken as legal, personal, or other advice.