Page 41 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 41

Time Out!                                     Bullying

                                                                                                                                    Even when you give your kids a good home, the    Parenting
                                                       Bullying is being
         „ Don’t take the blame for your child’s       mean and hurtful                                                             appropriate discipline, and have a good relationship   No. 11
             behavior. You can influence kids, but at   toward someone else,                                                        with them, kids can get involved in risky behaviors
             some point they are responsible for their   often when that person                                                      that can lead to problems as an adult. Kids tend to
             own actions.                              has trouble defending                                                         start pushing boundaries with parents when they
                                                       himself or herself.                                                           hit 12, and the teen years can be a challenging
         „ You have every right to check your child’s   Actions include                                                         time for any parent. There is normal teen behavior, and
             room, book bag, and personal space when   hitting, making threats, intimidating, name-calling,   then there are kids who have additional issues, that if left untreated, could give them
             you see warning signs of at-risk behaviors.   teasing, stealing or damaging belongings, spreading   problems as adults– from depression and unemployment, to a lifetime in prison.
             It’s your job to keep your kids safe and   rumors or encouraging other people to exclude   The most common at risk behaviors include:
                                                                                                                         ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
             address the issues, no matter how much    someone. 44% of middle schooler’s experience it,     „ being violent      „ using alcohol or drugs     „ depression
             your child may yell and complain about    with 30% experiencing it online or through e-mail     „ stealing          „ being sexually active      „ anxiety
                                                                                                           „ skipping school
                                                                                                                                 „ sexting
             their privacy.                            and texts.                                          „ bullying            „ self-harming               „ eating disorders
                                                                                                            can be a sign of deeper issues  For Evaluation Only
                                                       „ Bullies are made, not born– Some kids who are                                        When you see these behaviors in your
                                                           bullies do it to feel powerful or in control. Others   Reality Check...            kids, it means there are other issues
                                                           do it because they have been bullied by other                                      going on that are causing them to
           Try This at Home...                             kids, or people at home.                                                           behave like this. As a parent you can’t

          Slow down and take a look at what’s going    „ If your child is the bully– talk to your child and   8   Don’t ignore signs that say your   ignore these issues.              Are In Trouble  When Your Kids
          on at home. If you see any of the warning        let them know it’s not OK. See if your school has   kids may be in trouble - changes   You need to find out what is going on
          signs in your child, get out of the normal       a bullying program and get involved. Decrease    in behavior, grades, friends, etc.   and get help for your child.
          routine and watch your child for other           the violence your child is exposed to at home.                                       I don’t have a teen, do I really
          behaviors.                                       Get your kids involved in activities and programs                                    need to worry about all this
                                                           that promote cooperation and friendships.     8   Work to build trust between you
          If you have a concern, sit down with your                                                         and your child. Kids who believe    now?
          child and another adult who they trust, and   „ Get professional help– Bullying can be a          they can talk to their parents      Yes! Not all of these behaviors
          talk about what’s going on. Ask your child       warning sign of more serious problems with       about difficult issues do better in   are limited to teens. Bullying
                                                           violence in the future. Deal with the problem
          what they would do if they saw a friend in       now.                                             their teen years                    impacts kids in elementary school
          trouble.                                                                                                                              every day.  As kids grow up with
                                                                                                         8   Many of the same warning signs     technology, they are also being
                                                                                                            can be a signal for different       exposed to cyber bullying, sexting,
                                                          Disclaimer:                                       problems. Be sure you dig deeper    and content containing sex,
                                                                                                                                                violence, and drugs at a younger
                                                          Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve   into any issues
                                                          their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve     Don’t be afraid to get professional   age. Take the time to develop good
                                                          as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not   8              relationships with your kids when
                                                          intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be   help. Some of your child’s   they are younger, and you may find
                                                          taken as legal, personal, or other advice.        behaviors can indicate serious      yourself better connected during
                                                                                                            problems you can’t fix yourself.    the teen years!
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