Page 19 - Essential Life Skills - #1 Building Relationships - Instructor's Manual
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                                                                     # 1– BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS

               Pamphlet Overview                                               SUMMARY OF OUTCOMES

               The 1st pamphlet in the Essential Life Skills           Component Description:
               Pamphlet set looks at positive ways to build            Completion of Essential Life Skills
               relationships with family and friends, and establish    Pamphlet #1 – Building Relationships
               good habits at work.
                                                                         Improve self-esteem
               Activities in this Module:
                                                                         Identify what good relationships and
                 Read the Essential Life Skills Series Pamphlet –         friendships look like
                   Building Relationships                                Understand the basic rules of working
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
                 Identify strengths and weaknesses in current             with other people
                   relationships                                         Create an action plan for improving
                 Create an action plan for connecting with                relationships
                   friends and family
                                   For Evaluation Only
                 Building self-esteem/respect                         2 hours of instruction

                                                                       Client’s File:
               Teaching Tips:                                            Assessment Document LS1

                 Take an informal survey at the beginning of this session, asking how many people feel
                   like they have good relationships right now – are they keeping in touch? Are they being
                   realistic in their expectations?
                                                                                Assessment document LS1
                                                                                tracks the learning objectives
                                                                                in this module.

               O*NET KSA Mapping:
                 Pamphlet Exercises               Knowledge              Skills                 Abilities
                 What Do You Do Well? –       2.C.1.b - Clerical   2.A.1.a - Reading    1.A.1.a.2– Written
                 Think about your strengths   2.C.7.a - English   Comprehension         Comprehension
                 when relating to other people   Language         2.A.1.c - Writing     1.A.1.a.4– Written
                                                                  2.A.2.a - Critical    Expression
                                                                  Thinking              1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
                                                                  2.B.1.a -Social       Reasoning
                                                                  Perceptiveness        1.A.1.b.5 - Inductive
                                                                                        1.A.1.b.6 - Information

               Building Relationships                 Essential Life Skills Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual     13
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