Page 229 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 229
The Big Picture
This pamphlet focuses on the importance of education and ways parents can support their kids in
school. The attitude of the parent towards education is an important factor in how successful
children are in school.
The pamphlet overviews the value of education, and how parents can support their children. The
importance of setting up routines at home, communicating with teachers, and managing
homework are addressed. Learning issues and IEP plans are discussed, and exercises focus on
identifying the attitudes of the parent towards education, and developing a family calendar.
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The IM gives parents a better idea of what kids are learning at different ages and what issues to
expect. Parents will identify the things they can control and don’t control when it comes to their
child’s education. Parents will record their children’s current status at school, and identify any
learning and behavior issues they feel need to be addressed with their child. A personal parenting
rule and action to take will also be developed related to their child’s education.
Activities Learning Objectives
After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
In Pamphlet: For Evaluation Only
How Do You Feel About From Pamphlet:
Education? Explain why it’s important for kids to have a good
Develop a weekly family education.
calendar Identify ways to help children have a good day at school.
Describe the best ways to communicate with teachers.
In IM List good ways to help children manage homework.
Identify different types of learning problems.
My Child – How’s My From IM:
Child Doing in School? Identify what kids are learning at different ages.
Taking Responsibility – List ways parents can help their children succeed in school.
My Child’s Education Identify different ways non-custodial parents can support
Behavior Management their children in school.
Plans Identify school-related issues that cause anger and
Personal Parenting Rule / frustration for the parent and child and the need for
Action Goal behavior management plans.
Kids and School Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 225
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