Page 5 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 5


               The Program—Big Picture

               Welcome to the Parenting Pamphlet Series!

               This instructor’s manual (IM) is designed to help you, the provider, deliver services to help
               struggling parents improve their parenting skills. The goal of the Parenting pamphlets is to
               help parents identify and meet their key responsibilities of being a parent. Being a parent
               means providing a child with the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter in a safe
               environment. Being a parent also means helping a child to grow into a healthy adult, by
               providing for his or her self-esteem, teaching values and respect, providing discipline, and
               getting to really know that child as a person. Each pamphlet is designed to give parents an
               overview of these responsibilities along with the unique and challenging situations parents
               face. This series has been designed to meet the requirements for court-ordered parenting
               counseling and the information and activities in each pamphlet give parents ways to
               improve their parenting skills one topic at a time.
                                   For Evaluation Only
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
               The Big Picture

               The first pamphlet in the series focuses on identifying the key responsibilities of being a
               parent. The exercises in the pamphlet let the parent do a self-assessment of their current
               status as a parent, identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

               The additional content in this Instructor’s Manual is designed to help parents begin to
               develop a sense of responsibility. Instead of blaming someone else for their problems, the
               goal is to help parents begin to identify situations in their lives where they have control or
               don’t have control, and to help them learn ways to change what they can, and manage
               what they can’t.

               The Instructor’s Manual also introduces the issues of anger and self-centeredness that many
               parents have.  Learning to manage anger and gaining awareness of the feelings and needs
               of others is a theme addressed in the additional IM material for each pamphlet.

               Introduction                         Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual            3
                                          ©2019 Learnovation®, LLC
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