Page 65 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 65
The Big Picture
This pamphlet focuses on how every parent is a role model, good or bad, for their children.
A parent’s actions impacts how their kids react and learn to behave. Being a good parent starts
with providing the basics, but nurturing children emotionally makes a huge difference in how
successful children are as adults.
Parents will identify their parenting style and look at the impact of their style on their kids.
Whether they are a dictator, easy-going, missing in action, or fair and just, the best parents
find a way to give support and guidance in a way that builds up their children instead of
neglecting them or tearing them down.
The IM expands on the roles of mom’s and dad’s in their children’s lives and looks at ways to
deal with conflicting parenting styles kids encounter. A quiz on anger management gives
parents a look into how well they are currently managing their anger, and helps them to
identify strategies for managing their anger.
For Evaluation Only
Activities ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
Learning Objectives
In Pamphlet: After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able
Turning Off Negative to:
Sharing Good Emotions- From Pamphlet:
Explain how he or she serves as a role model for their
Listing ways parents can child.
be more positive and Identify his or her own parenting style.
loving to their child right Identify ways to support your child emotionally,
now. mentally, and spiritually.
Write a supportive note to Identify negative comments from their own childhood
your kids and send it to that have impacted their parenting.
school. List things he or she can say or do to be more supportive
In IM of his or her child.
My Parenting Style – Send a supportive note to school with his or her child.
review of each parent’s
style and the styles of the From IM:
people around my child. Identify specific things fathers and mothers can give their
How Good is My Anger children to be supportive.
Management? – Identify the key elements to controlling anger.
Identifying your current Identify ways they can personally control their anger.
level of control and Write a personal parenting rule related to the pamphlet
developing action points. topic.
Personal Parenting Rule / Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet.
Action Goal.
Being a Good Parent Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 61
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