Page 20 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 20

Time Out!                             Exercise - How Would I Handle This?                                               When most people think about discipline, they think

                                               How would you handle this situation if they were your kids?                        about punishment. But discipline is actually the   Parenting
           „ If you find yourself feeling out of         Situation                 I Would...                                     practice of teaching people to obey a set of rules   No. 5
           control, angry and lashing out at your   EXAMPLE:                Talk with Paul’s teachers, see                        for ways to behave. Punishment is one way we use
           kids, physically get out of their space,   Scenario              what’s going on and what’s                             to correct behavior that doesn’t follow the rules.
           go to another room and calm down.   Paul, who’s 8, has gotten in trou-  changed. Give Paul ideas                        Discipline is helping kids show the right behavior
                                                                            for dealing with bullies, ask
                                               ble for fighting at school. He is   him how his brother must                        for the right reasons. Your job as a parent is to help
           „ Agree on the rules and consequences  also pushing around his younger   feel. Get him to talk about the
           with your spouse or partner ahead of  brother around at home.    issue instead of hitting his                            raise your children to have self-discipline, or be
           time. Show kids you are both going to                            brother.                                               able to discipline themselves when they become
           enforce the rules.                  Scenario                                                 adults. Giving kids boundaries and rules protects them from harm, and helps
                    ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
           „ Learn to pick your battles. There are  3-year old Anna is refusing to go                   them learn responsibility. Your biggest challenge is in setting reasonable rules
           times where you need to let go of the  to bed. She is running around                         and consequences for your children as they grow. Kids aren’t perfect, so you also
                                               and driving you crazy. You are
           rules and start over. Everyone needs a   tired and just want her to calm                     need to know when it’s time to relax a rule or two, and just let it go. Discipline gets
           do-over, you as well as your kids.  down and go to bed.                                      easier when you show love and respect for your child.
                                For Evaluation Only
                                                                                                                                            Here are some guidelines for discipline:
         Try This at Home...                   Jeff, who’s 15, is talking back and                      Reality Check...                    „ Set the rules you expect your
                                               refusing to do his chores.
                                                                                                                                                children to follow. Let your kids

          Try to catch your child “being                                                                8 NEVER hit your child in anger.        know what you expect, and what the            Disciplining Kids
                                                                                                                                                consequences are if the rules are
          good.” It can be as simple as        Scenario                                                                                         broken.
          helping a little brother put away    5-year old Leo is throwing a                             8 Yelling and shouting at your
          his toys, or getting homework done   tantrum in the store because he                              children doesn’t help change    „ Rules should be based on your
          without being asked. Give them a     wants a treat while his 2-year old                           their behavior.                     child’s age and ability. You can’t
          simple reward - a special treat, 5   sister is in the cart crying be-                         8 Give positive attention and           expect a 3-year old to pick up their
                                               cause she’s tired.
          minutes extra time before bed, a                                                                  praise to your kids - “catch        room the same way you would expect
          walk with Dad to the park, or 15     Scenario                                                     them being good.”                   it from a  6-year old or a 10-year old.
                                               You just caught 12 year old Todd
          minutes extra time on curfew. See    with candy he stole from the                                                                     Rules and consequences need to
          what happens.                        convenience store.                                       8 Set your rules, and be                change as kids grow.
                                                                                                            consistent on enforcing them.
                                                                                                                                            „ Compliment and praise good
                                                                                                        8 How you discipline will               behavior. Kids want your attention. If
                                                                                                            change based on the age of          you only give it when they are acting

                                 ©2021 Learnovation , LLC   Disclaimer:                                     your child.                         out, then your kids will act out.
                                   All Rights Reserved.   Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve   8 Children learn how to behave   „ Be consistent. Make sure you
                            their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve
                                                          as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not   by watching others. Make   and your partner or spouse agree
                                                          intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be   sure you are setting a good   on the rules and enforce them
                                                          taken as legal, personal, or other advice.        example for your kids.              the same.
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