Page 111 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 111
The Big Picture
This pamphlet focuses on helping parents understand that discipline doesn’t mean punishment,
but it’s the practice of teaching kids to follow a set of rules on how to behave. Appropriate
punishment for children of different ages is included in the pamphlet, and expanded on in the
Instructor’s Manual.
The pamphlet reviews guidelines for setting up discipline, looks at the reasons kids act out,
appropriate discipline and consequences for kids at different ages, and has parents identify ways
to handle common parenting situations.
The IM explores each parent’s attitudes about discipline and punishment, looks at the impact of
abuse on kids, and alternative punishment. The IM reviews their current discipline practices, and
has parents develop their household rules for discipline. Parents also look at how to work with
their ex to maintain discipline with the kids.
For Evaluation Only
Learning Objectives
Activities ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
In Pamphlet: After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
How Would I Handle
This? – Positive ways to From Pamphlet:
deal with challenging Describe the difference between discipline and
parenting situations punishment.
Catch Your Child Being Identify reasons kids act out.
Good Set appropriate rules and consequences for their children.
Identify how rules and consequences should change based
on a child’s age.
In IM Identify positive ways to discipline in common situations.
How I Feel about Identify and reward good behavior in their children.
My Child – Current From IM:
discipline issues Identify their feelings and reactions to discipline and
Taking Responsibility Identify positive ways to handle punishment.
Setting Household Rules Identify current discipline issues with their child.
and Consequences Identify ways to discipline successfully with their ex.
Personal Parenting Rule / Develop household rules with appropriate consequences.
Action Goal Write a personal parenting rule related to the pamphlet
Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet.
Disciplining Kids Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 107
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