Page 113 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 113
Instructors Manual Knowledge Skills Abilities
Parenting 2.C.1.a - 2.A.1.a - Reading 1.A.1.a.2– Written
Worksheet: My Administration and Comprehension Comprehension
Child- current Management 2.A.1.c - Writing 1.A.1.a.4– Written
discipline issues 2.C.1.b - Clerical 2.A.2.a - Critical Thinking Expression
2.C.1.f - Personnel 2.A.2.d - Monitoring 1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
and Human 2.B.1.a - Social Perceptiveness Reasoning
Resources 2.B.4.e - Judgment and 1.A.1.b.6 - Information
2.C.6.a - Education Decision Making Ordering
and Training 2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis
Parenting 2.C.1.a - 2.A.1.a - Reading 1.A.1.a.2– Written
Worksheet: Taking Administration and Comprehension Comprehension
Responsibility Management 2.A.1.c - Writing 1.A.1.a.4– Written
2.C.1.b - Clerical 2.A.2.a - Critical Thinking Expression
2.C.1.f - Personnel 2.A.2.d - Monitoring 1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
and Human
2.B.1.a - Social Perceptiveness
©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
1.A.1.b.6 - Information
2.B.4.e - Judgment and
2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis
and Training
Parenting 2.C.6.a - Education Decision Making Ordering
1.A.1.a.2– Written
2.C.1.a -
2.A.1.a - Reading
Worksheet: Administration and Comprehension Comprehension
Setting Household Management 2.A.1.c - Writing 1.A.1.a.4– Written
Rules and 2.C.1.b - Clerical 2.A.2.a - Critical Thinking Expression
Consequences 2.C.1.f - Personnel 2.A.2.d - Monitoring 1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
and Human
2.B.1.a - Social Perceptiveness
For Evaluation Only Reasoning
1.A.1.b.6 - Information
2.B.4.e - Judgment and
2.C.6.a - Education
Decision Making
and Training
2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis
Teaching Tips
Use the activity on how you feel about discipline and punishment as a
way to have parents self-assess their parenting style, identify their current
practices, and begin to identify behaviors they want to change.
Break parents into groups of 3-4 to develop discipline rules for their
household. You might want to make sure there is a mix of parents with
different aged children in the group. This way parents of older children
can give some suggestions on what worked or didn’t work for them.
Younger parents can often give perspectives on what it was like as a teen,
or how they reacted when they were growing up to rules and discipline.
Disciplining Kids Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 109
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