Page 212 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 212
Discussion – Slide 3 (7 Minutes)
Slide 3 – Eating Healthy
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For Evaluation Only
Review the slide contents to see benefits of eating healthy on the left, and
possible problems with bad eating habits on the right.
Healthy eating is doable, but our society is set up for unhealthy eating –
junk food is available everywhere, healthy isn’t as ready to eat as fast food,
unhealthy may be cheaper. Review with the class where they buy their
food and where their kids get their food:
o Vending machines, convenience stores, more packaged foods with
high salt and fat – calories you don’t need.
Problems with childhood obesity is growing as kids are less active
o Unsafe neighborhoods, more TV and computer time
o Kids are spending less time being active
o BMI – body mass index – measurement of body fat based on height
and weight.
An overweight child – is in the 85-94 percentile (85-94% of
kids weigh less than this child)
An obese child – is in the 95 percentile and above.
208 Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual Keeping Kids Healthy
©2019 Learnovation®, LLC