Page 216 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 216


               Discussion – Slide 5 (7 Minutes)

               Slide 5 – Age Matters – Infants and Toddlers/Preschool

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                                   For Evaluation Only

                 Review contents on the slide.
               Common toddler issues –
                   •  Bumping head – usually not a problem unless they lose consciousness,
                       vomit in the first 6-8 hours, are very sleepy, dizzy, or have slurred
                   •  Ear infections – buildup of pressure in the ear, can impact hearing,
                       language development
                   •  Allergies – you can test kids for allergies to foods, mold, pollen, dust,
                       etc. Allergies can affect development
                   •  Vaccinations – 99% of parents choose to vaccinate their kids
                   (Teaching Note: you might want to make copies of the immunization
                   schedule from the Supplements section of the CD and distribute this to
                   parents of younger kids.)
                   •  Potty training – when to train your kids depends on your kid. When
                       they are interested, want to be independent, can follow simple
                       commands, and can tell you when they need to go

                   •  Teething – kids get irritable when teething – look for cold teething rings
                       to soothe gums
                   •  Toddlers need more fat - Kids below age 4 need more fat in their diet
                       for good growth and brain development – give them whole milk
                       instead of low-fat milk

               212                       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual       Keeping Kids Healthy
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