Page 242 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 242


               Activity – Slide 8 (10 Minutes)

               Slide 8 – Supporting My Child in School

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                                   For Evaluation Only

                 Review the slide for ways parents can help support their kids in school.

               More on IEPs – Individualized Education Plans

               Who Qualifies? – Kids who have been identified as having difficulty learning
               and functioning in school. Examples include:
                 Learning disabilities
                 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
                 Emotional disorders
                 Autism
                 Hearing, visual, or speech impairment
                 Developmental delay

               What services do they get? – Depends on the difficulty. Examples could

                 A teaching aid helping the child one-on-one in the classroom
                 Special resource room where kids go for help on certain subjects
                 Special classroom with fewer kids
                 Extra time for testing, or testing in a room with fewer distractions
                 Someone reads the test to student
                 Provide content in audio form instead of written
                 Special seating location in classroom.
               238                       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual           Kids and School
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