Page 247 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 247
Discussion/ Activity – Slide 12 (15 Minutes)
Slide 12 – Behavior Management Plans
©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
For Evaluation Only
Behavior Management Plans
• What is it? - A plan written for students who have problems that disrupt
the classroom environment or learning process.
• Developed by teachers, counselors, and parents to impact the
student’s behavior.
• How is it developed?
• Get information from teachers who feel a plan is needed. What
do they see, experience, why they think the problem is
• Talk to former teachers who have had the student. Did they have
the same problem too?
• Talk to parents – anything personal happening outside school?
• Talk to the student – why are they doing this behavior? How do
they feel about it and how it affects other people?
• Review their school records to get the big picture on the student.
• Find out the student’s strengths – what do they do well?
Kids and School Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 243
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