Page 39 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 39


               Use the Parenting Worksheet to list your rule and write down one action to
               take to improve your parenting.

               What would some possible rules be for this pamphlet?

                 Kids first, me second.

                 Work it out for the good of the kids.
                 It’s MY responsibility.
                 Make the anger work for me, not the other way around.

                 Patience, Patience, Patience!
                 See the love in everyone first.
                 It’s not about me.

                 Parenting takes work, but it can be fun.

               Setting the Action Goal:

               Have the parents list one action to do related to taking responsibility. The
               action should be measurable and have a specific time frame for completion.
                                   For Evaluation Only
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC


                         Action to Take:                     When:                    Expected Result:
                   Clean out the refrigerator     Sat morning 5/15              Get rid of old food, clean
                                                                                spills, improve smell,

                                                                                Have a list of people my
                   Put together an emergency      Tuesday after work            cleaner home
                   list of contacts                                             child can contact when he
                                                                                is home alone after school.
                                                                                – He should feel more
                                                                                secure about what to do if
                                                                                something happens.

               #1 – Life With Kids       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual                      37
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