Page 80 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 80


               Activity/ Discussion – Slide 8 (15 Minutes)

               Slide 8 – My Parenting Style / My Child - Worksheet

                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC

                                   For Evaluation Only

               Use the Parenting Worksheet to record information about your parenting
               style and the styles of other people who parent your children:

                   •  List what’s working well with your kids and your parenting style

                   •  List some of the things that aren’t going well.

                   Group Discussion
                   Identify the parenting styles of parents in the class. Talk about some of the
                   things that aren’t going well between parents and kids. Identify as a group
                   ways that they could modify their parenting style to make kids more

                   responsive, cooperative, and reduce problems between parents and kids.

               Use the Parenting Worksheet to list:
                   •  how your child is like you

                   •  how your child is different from you.

                   •  ways you could be more supportive to your child.

                   Parents should fill out the information on each of their children.

               76                        Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual        Being a Good Parent
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