Page 91 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 91
The Big Picture
This pamphlet focuses on how parents can improve their communication with their child.
Taking time to listen and talk with their children, making time to do special things with their kids
and just being there are important to building a relationship with respect.
The pamphlet reviews ways to connect with kids at different ages and communicate better with
kids of all ages. The exercise focuses on finding positive ways to deal with challenging
situations common to parents.
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The IM reviews good ways to communicate with kids of all ages. Parents will identify how
communication is going with each child right now and identify how their kids deal with anger
issues. Parents will develop a list of rules that they will use in their household to promote good
A role-play activity encourages parents to examine a difficult communication situation they are
having right now with their children and have the chance to practice using good communication
techniques with feedback.
Learning Objectives
Activities For Evaluation Only
In Pamphlet: After completing this pamphlet the parent should be able to:
Good Ways to
Communicate – Positive From Pamphlet:
ways to deal with Identify ways to build a stronger relationship with their
challenging situations child.
Use good techniques to communicate with kids.
Identify techniques for dealing with upset children.
In IM Identify specific ways to interact with kids at different ages.
Taking Responsibility Create a new family tradition in their home.
My Child – How We’re
Communicating From IM:
My Family Rules for Identify things they can control in their lives related to
communication with their children.
Communicating Identify ways they can control their anger when
Shutting Down the Anger communicating with children.
Response with Good Write a personal parenting rule related to the pamphlet
Communication – Role topic.
Play with personal Identify ways to stay connected to their children when they
parent/child situations are not the primary caregiver.
Personal Parenting Rule / Set and accomplish a parenting goal for this pamphlet.
Action Goal
Talking and Connecting with Kids Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 87
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