Page 29 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 29
Time Out! Step Families - Finding Your Place
When you remarry, your Around 26% of kids in the United States are being
kids become part of two raised by a single parent. In the African American Parenting
Routines are your friend! It doesn’t different families. They community the number is 72%. Of those kids, No. 8
matter if you’re a single parent or have are trying to figure out 80% are being raised by single mothers. Single
a partner, your kids will be able to adjust where they fit in each fathers and grandparents are also working
better to new situations, and feel more family, how they feel hard to raise good kids. It’s also true that over
secure when they know what to expect. about their new step- 60% of second marriages involving kids end
in divorce. Being a single parent or joining
How would you feel if on Monday you parent, and how to get along with new siblings together two families can be a challenge, but there are ways
went to bed at 8 p.m. in pajamas with a they may not know or like. Your goal is to help to help your kids through the ups and downs of modern family life.
bedtime story, and on Tuesday you didn’t develop trust between your spouse and your
get to bed until 10 p.m. because you had children. What Kids Want
to go grocery shopping with Mom? Then Have realistic expectations– Don’t expect your Kids are able to adjust to new family situations, but experts say it may take a couple
the next day supper was late and you had new family to work the same way as the old one. of years to feel comfortable in a new setting. It doesn’t matter if you are a single
to go to bed 15 minutes after eating? Don’t expect everyone to fall in love overnight. parent, or living with a partner, your kids want:
To feel safe and secure– “I’m in
Routines provide comfort to your kids. Work on your marriage– Make special time for can help. ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
you as a couple each week. You can bring the Reality Check... a safe home, around people I can
family together by having a strong relationship. For Evaluation Only & Step Families
Try This at Home... Work together as a couple– Be united in front 8 Kids want to feel safe and secure To be loved and emotionally Single Parenting
Hold a family meeting once a week. of the kids. Decide on the rules in the house and in their home- setting up routines connected– “The people around
Set up a time each week for everyone how you will parent. The biological parent should me want to be with me and show
me affection that feels good.”
to get together and talk about what’s be in charge of disciplining their child to start. 8 Don’t feel guilty about being a
going on. Some families choose Make it a rule that everyone is civil with others single parent or not being able to To be noticed and heard – “My
Sunday night so they can go over in the family– Your child may not like his step- give your child all the things you parents listen to what I have to
the schedule for the week. Talk brother, but he needs to show him respect. want. say and let me be part of the
about what’s new, work through any Talk to each other as a family– Discuss 8 You don’t have to do everything
problems, and talk about things you everything, don’t keep feelings bottled up or hold yourself. Find help from friends, To be valued and appreciated–
want to do as a family. grudges. Keep talking,no matter how hard it is. family, church, and social “I’m important to Mom and Dad.
Take time to listen and be fair. services. I don’t have to be jealous of
8 Get your kids comfortable with a someone else.”
Disclaimer: new partner before you move in To have good boundaries
Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve together. and limits– “Mom and Dad
their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve want me to be safe and
as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not 8 Work to build trust between your help me learn to control
intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be partner and your children. myself.”
taken as legal, personal, or other advice.