Page 33 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 33

Time Out!

                                                                  Keep all medications in a                                         Many of our eating habits and activity levels are
                                                                  locked container and out of                                       developed as children. The more you can do now to   Parenting
          Be prepared for those times when your kids                                                                                keep your kids eating healthier foods, getting good   No. 9
          are sick.                                               the reach of children!                                             sleep, and staying physically fit, the better your kids
          „ Do you have someone who can watch your  First-Aid Kit Contents                                                           will do as adults. Kids with good nutrition do better
                                                                                                                                     in school, and have fewer illnesses. Making sure
              kids when they have to stay home?        One of the most important things you can do to keep                           kids get health checkups and proper medical care
          „ Talk to your employer and find out what    your family safe is to have a first-aid kit. Things to            when they are sick helps your kids to grow strong and stay healthy.
              options you have if you need to miss time   have on hand are:                             Keeping Active
              at work to take care of your kids.       „ Bandages - covering cuts and scrapes           According to experts, about 15% of kids today are overweight, and the numbers are

          „ If you do need to stay home with your      „ Thermometer - taking temperature               growing. Kids today spend more time inside playing video games, watching TV, and
              child, be sure to call in to your employer   „ Fever reducer - (like Tylenol™, Advil™,    are physically less active. Being fit involves endurance, strength, and flexibility.
              and explain the situation.                   Motrin™) bringing fever down                 Encourage your kids to be active on the playground and get involved in sports or
                                                                                                        activities that keep them moving. Kids and teens should get 60 minutes of physical
                                                       „ Kid’s cough syrup - reduce coughing            activity each day!
                                                       „ Antibiotic cream - put on cuts for healing                      ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
            Try This at Home...                        „ Syrup of ipecac - used to make someone vomit   Reality Check...                    Healthy Foods

                                                           (for poisoning)
                                                                                                                                            Here are some basic guidelines for serving
           If you want your kids to be aware                                                                                         For Evaluation Only                                      Keeping Kids Healthy
           of what they are eating, have them read     „ Calamine lotion - soothing sunburns             8   Do you know what to do when    healthier foods:
           the nutrition labels! Take a look at the    „ Antihistamine tablets - relieving allergies,       your child is sick? If you don’t     „ Serve fruits and vegetables
           snacks you have around your house and           sneezing and runny noses                         know what to do, call a friend or   at every meal.
           have your kids compare the calories,        „ Cotton swabs - applying disinfectant               relative who might know, or call     „ Serve lean meats and other sources
           fat, salt, protein, and sugar in products.   „ Tweezers - removing splinters                     a doctor.                           of protein like fish, eggs, beans, and
           Measure out the serving size of each                                                          8   In many school districts, if your   nuts.
           product and compare. Decide which           „ Alcohol wipes - disinfecting                       child has a fever or has been       „ Limit fats by avoiding fried foods
           products are healthiest. Compare these                                                           throwing up, you must wait 24       and choosing low-fat or nonfat dairy
           products to fruits and vegetables. What     „ Hydrogen peroxide - disinfecting cuts and          hours after these symptoms clear    products.
           are you eating?                                 scrapes                                          up before sending them to back      „ Limit sugary drinks such as soda and
                                                       „ Hand sanitizer - cleaning hands without water      school.                             fruit drinks. Serve water and low-fat

                                                                                                         8   Keep track of your children’s      milk.
                                                          Disclaimer:                                       medical history - details about
                                                          Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve   their birth and early growth,     „ Eat less packaged foods that
                                                          their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve   shots, illnesses, medications they   have added fat, salt, sugar, and
                                                          as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not   have taken, etc. Knowing this   preservatives.
                                                          intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be   information can help your child     „ Watch the portion size, and let kids
                                                          taken as legal, personal, or other advice.
                                                                                                            receive better treatment.           stop eating when they are full.
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