Page 28 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 28

Time Out!                                          Helping Kids Stay as Kids                                               Divorce is a stressful time for everyone,

                                                     Are you upset, angry and or depressed about your                               especially kids. At this time when emotions     Parenting
             „ Take care of yourself. The first thing they   divorce? If you have money problems or are working                     run high, there are lots of changes and new     No. 7
             tell you during airplane safety instructions,   a lot of hours, you may have less time with the kids                   situations that can leave kids feeling scared
             is to put your own oxygen mask on before   than you’d like. Some people can start to depend on                          and unsure of what’s going to happen. Your
             helping your child. This advice holds true   their kids like they are adults, or even like a partner.                   job as a parent is to reassure your kids that
             with divorce. You need to take care of   Remember that your kid is still a kid.                                         you love them, it’s not their fault in any way,
             yourself by eating healthy, getting sleep,     „ Don’t talk about the details of your divorce              and to help them through the changes in the best possible
             finding time to put together a plan for your   or problems in front of your kids– Don’t talk  way. As a parent, the welfare of your kids during the divorce should be a
             future, and finding help through friends,   about finances, visitation schedules or disputes   top priority. Help them adjust to the changes in living arrangements, school,
             family, and support groups. When you are    in front of your child. Put away important     routines, and dealing with the emotions that go along with losing the security
                    ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
             calm and together, your kids will feel more   documents and finances.
             secure knowing that you are there for them     „ Don’t use your child to deliver messages  of a two-parent household.
             during all the changes.                     or spy– Don’t put your child in the middle of  Many parents choose joint physical custody so the kids can stay connected
                                For Evaluation Only
                                                                                                        to both parents. With kids moving between two houses on a regular basis, it
                                                         delivering information between you and your ex.
             Try This at Home...                         „ Cry and yell when the kids aren’t around– If  can take a lot of patience and planning to help kids adjust to the changes.
            Set up new routine. Kids do                  you need to vent or cry about a situation, do it                                          Another common arrangement
                                                                                                                                                   is for your kids to live primarily
            better with a routine and feel safe          when the kids aren’t around. They can sense the   Reality Check...                        with one parent, having every              Kids and Divorce
            in knowing what’s expected. Look             feelings, and sometimes try to hide their own                                             other weekend and a week night
            at the exercise on page 3 and                emotions so it won’t burden you.
            pick one of the areas where you              „ Keep to routines and                         8 Let your kids know that you love them and   visit from the other parent.
            have a problem. Come up with a               schedules– Keeping familiar                       the divorce is not their fault.         Whichever type of custody
            new way to handle the problem                possessions around and                         8 Never speak badly of your ex in front of   and visitation you have, you
            by adding a routine, whether it’s            sticking to routines helps kids                   your kids, even if you think it.        should try to find a way to
            having spaghetti dinner night                feel more secure.                              8 Don’t put your child in the role of      communicate with your ex-
            each time they get back from                 „ Hug your kids and tell them                     messenger between you and your ex.      spouse and make things easier
            Dad’s, or adding a Monday night              how much you love them–                         8 Work with your ex to stop fighting, and put   on the kids. Setting up routines
            phone call to the other parent for           Let them know they are not to                     the kids first.                         for the kids makes it easier for
            a bedtime story.                             blame for the divorce.                          8 Adding routines into your schedule will   them to adjust and shift from

                                                                                                           help give your children a sense of calm   one location to another. One
                                                          Disclaimer:                                      and security.                           of the most important things
                                 ©2021 Learnovation , LLC   Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve   8 Stay involved in your child’s life, whether   you can do is to listen and
                                   All Rights Reserved.   their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve   you are the primary parent, or you only get   acknowledge how your kids are
                            as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not   to see them occasionally.  feeling. Encourage them to be
                                                          intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be                        honest about their feelings, and
                                                          taken as legal, personal, or other advice.
                                                                                                                                                   help them talk through them.
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