Page 37 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 37
Time Out!
Learning Problems at School Kids start out with a hunger to learn and know
more. That’s their job as kids, to learn... so Parenting
If you find yourself rushing around in the Your kids are probably smart and want to learn, but whether your child is in high school or just No. 10
morning, trying to get your kids out of the for one reason or another may have a hard time in starting pre-school, you can make a big
door on time, stop and take a look at what you school. difference in helping your kids make school a
can do the night before to be ready. You can Learning disabilities can make it harder for some good experience. When it comes to learning,
pack lunches, lay out clothes, have bookbags kids to learn. These can be problems like paying you’re not just a fan in the seats, but you can
packed and breakfast ready to eat for the next attention, concentrating, sitting still, or being be a co-captain of the team along with your
morning. impulsive. They may have trouble reading or child’s teachers. Providing routines at home, making sure your kids
Don’t be afraid to contact your child’s teacher understanding math, writing or following directions. get good meals, going to school events, attending parent/teacher conferences, and
if you think there is a problem. You may not Teachers are trained to spot issues with kids, and just talking to your kids about school can help make a difference in a kid getting an
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have the education the teacher does, but you can come up with ways to help. A, or an F.
do know your child better than anyone else. If you think your kids may have a problem learning, The sooner you get involved in your child’s education, the better. Kids who drop
Trust yourself! you can work with the school to test your child out of high school have usually had years of bad grades, and often struggle with
and develop an IEP (Individualized Education the basics of reading, writing and math which are taught in elementary school.
Try This at Home... Plan.) With an IEP, you work with teachers and They may have learning disabilities that make school harder for them. There may
be social or family stresses that keep them from learning. Take on the role of coach,
counselors to create a plan for addressing learning
Create a weekly family calendar. problems. You set goals for improving your child’s and find out about and use the resources offered by your school.
Kids like to know what’s going on, and a skills and provide extra help for students, called For Evaluation Only Kids & School
calendar will help you remember those accommodations. Reality Check... The Value of an Education
important appointments. Get a monthly Types of accommodations:
calendar and put it on the refrigerator. Resource classes for extra time to help kids How well we do in school
Add appointments, after-school activities, with their special needs 8 Respect your child’s teachers and give affects us for the rest of
special events, tests and quizzes, them all the help you can. our lives. Facts show that a
assignment due dates, visitation times with Special class for reading or math person who graduates from
the other parent. Meet as Extra tutoring, one-on-one work with a teacher 8 Go to every parent/teacher conference high school earns an average
a family to update and A discipline plan for behavior issues to learn how you can help your child of $143 a week more than a
go over the calendar and bring up any problems you see.
each week. Extra time for completing tests 8 Provide a quiet place for kids to do high school dropout. A person
Help reading books and tests. their homework. who gets a college education
8 Make sure your kids have a good makes an average of $336
Disclaimer: breakfast and lunch. Take advantage a week more than the high
Learnovation®, LLC’s mission is to empower people to improve of free and reduced lunch options. school graduate. Add that
their own parenting skills. This information is intended to serve up over a month, a year, or
as a general guide of parenting principles and strategies. It is not 8 If your kids are having trouble 40 years, and that is a big
intended to address individual parenting issues, nor should it be learning, talk to teachers and get your
taken as legal, personal, or other advice. difference.
child special assistance if needed.