Page 38 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 38

Helping Kids Have a Good Day at School                                                            Exercise: How Do You Feel About Education?
        Kids do best when they have a predictable daily routine. A good schedule helps kids feel          As a parent, you make a big difference in how your kids feel about school. If you think it’s important, your kids
        secure and know what’s going on.                                                                  will too. Take a look at your own experience with school and think about what you want for your own children.

            „ Morning routine - Set a wake-up time that gives your child plenty of time to shower,
            dress, and have a good breakfast. A good breakfast helps the brain work better and kids
            do better in school.

            „ Homework - Give your kids some time to relax after school, then set a certain time to do any homework.
            Kids should do their homework in a quiet place with good light.

            „ Get some exercise - Kids need to be active, and experts suggest they get an hour of exercise a day.
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            „ Eat meals together - Try to have dinner together at the same time each day. Make it a time where you can
            sit down at the table and talk about your day.
            „ Get plenty of sleep - Set a time for kids to be in bed. Plan for 45 minutes of quiet time before bed.
                                For Evaluation Only
          Communicating With Teachers                           Homework
          The job of your child’s teacher is to help     Set aside a place and
          kids to learn, but she can’t do it without your   time- Have a place to do
          help. She has lot of kids to work with, she’s   homework that is quiet and
          running a classroom with fewer supplies and    has good lighting.
          help than she needs. Teachers often know a     Be there to help, but
          lot about your child, so when she does send a   don’t do it for them- Let kids do their own
          note home to your or give you a call, you need   homework. Lend a hand if they have a question
          to pay attention and help her out.             or need help with the instructions. Review the
              „ Read notes from teachers                 completed work.

              „ Call or e-mail the teacher if you see your  Help kids get organized- Help them decide
             child is having a problem                   what homework to do first and how to organize
                                                         their time for bigger projects.
              „ Attend parent/teacher conferences. Have
             your questions ready to ask, and make       Let kids take a break if they need it- As
             sure you go!                                homework gets harder, kids may need to take

              „ Volunteer at your school with your child’s  time to do something else for a bit before
             class if you can                            coming back and finishing up.
                                                         Use online class information- Many schools
              „ If your child is sick, call the
             school and let them know.                   have sites online where teachers put
                                                         assignments and extra help.
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