Page 117 - Career Transitions Workbook - 2021
P. 117
No. 13 – Transferring Well-Being to Career Success
Estimated Time: 2 hours Well-
This exercise is designed for you to review the
items in your career portfolio and gain awareness Career You GAP
©2021 Learnovation®, LLC
as to how your knowledge, skills, abilities, tools Portfolio Analysis
and technology can enhance aspects of your well-
being and transfer to career success.
For Evaluation Only
In the process of finding work samples and Life Skills
developing your career portfolio, you have
evaluated each sample to identify the knowledge,
skill and abilities it shows, which key areas it relates to, and how you can use it to prove your skills.
You’ve also compared your current skills to a target job and identified the gaps. Your completed
career portfolio also gives an employer a look into you as a person and how you might fit into their
Look back at Exercise 1a, where you evaluated your current feeling of well-being. We said if you
could consciously work the five elements of Well-Being into your academic and work plan, work
would be easier and more enjoyable. It’s time to take stock and look at your career portfolio. What
measurable skills and tools do you have to advance in your career, and do they reflect the well-
being you want in your life?
Career Portfolio GAP Analysis Well-Being
The items that demonstrate What do you have to offer How these items
your proof now, vs. where you want impact your life
to be – The skills you have
Your Career Portfolio gives you GAP Analysis is the process of To be engaged in the
self-awareness and a way to identifying the difference workplace, identify how your
manage your current between your current work samples and career
knowledge, skills, and abilities. knowledge, skills, and abilities, portfolio enhance your
When you can integrate the and the skills you need for a purpose/career, social,
five elements of Well-Being target job. Identify the financial, community, and
into your work, you can begin additional experiences and physical elements of Well-
create a successful career. training you need to do the Being. Some work samples
target job, and then make your may engage multiple areas of
plans for how to bridge the well-being, other samples do
gap. not.
No. 13 – Transferring Well-Being to Career Success 111