Page 119 - Career Transitions Workbook - 2021
P. 119
My Best Items in My Career Portfolio
Work Sample or Career Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, How the Sample Connects
Portfolio Item Tools & Technologies Shown to my Well-Being
1. Project Abstract and • Programming Financial- I was paid for
wireframes for an app I • Critical Thinking the project.
coded-Work for Hire to a Social- Client hired me for
Local Lawn Service— “We • Operrations Analysis another project and was
©2021 Learnovation®, LLC
Mow Grass, LLC” • Active Listening great to work with during
• Complex Problem Solving development.
For Evaluation Only
My Weakest Items in My Career Portfolio
Work Sample or Career Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, How the Sample Connects
Portfolio Item Tools & Technologies Shown to my Well-Being
1. Picture of my HS football • Teamwork Physical - I was active for
team three seasons; developed a
• Problem-solving
weightlifting program
• Strategy Analysis
Social – Team effort – made
• Strong Work Ethic some good friends
Community – Team hired out
our services to people three
weekends a year.
Ways I can improve this work sample or item:
Find the newspaper article about the team’s community service that shows a group of us
cutting brush. Find the senior trophy and take a picture. Include a recommendation from
my coach, talking about my leadership on the team in my senior year.
No. 13 – Transferring Well-Being to Career Success 113