Page 14 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 14
Element ID Element Name Element ID Element Name
2.C.3.d Building and Construction 2.C.7.e Philosophy and Theology
2.C.3.e Mechanical 2.C.8.a Public Safety and Security
2.C.4.a Mathematics 2.C.8.b Law and Government
2.C.4.b Physics 2.C.9.a Telecommunications
2.C.4.c Chemistry 2.C.9.b Communications and Media
2.C.10 Transportation
O*Net Skill Indicators
Element ID Element Name Element ID Element Name
2.A.1.a Reading Comprehension 2.B.3.b Technology Design
2.A.1.b Active Listening 2.B.3.c Equipment Selection
2.A.1.c Writing 2.B.3.d Installation
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2.A.1.d Speaking 2.B.3.e Programming
2.A.1.e Mathematics 2.B.3.g Operation Monitoring
2.A.1.f Science 2.B.3.h Operation and Control
2.A.2.a Critical Thinking 2.B.3.j Equipment Maintenance
2.A.2.b Active Learning 2.B.3.k Troubleshooting
For Evaluation Only
2.A.2.c Learning Strategies 2.B.3.l Repairing
2.A.2.d Monitoring 2.B.3.m Quality Control Analysis
2.B.1.a Social Perceptiveness 2.B.4.e Judgment and Decision Making
2.B.1.b Coordination 2.B.4.g Systems Analysis
2.B.1.c Persuasion 2.B.4.h Systems Evaluation
2.B.1.d Negotiation 2.B.5.a Time Management
2.B.1.e Instructing 2.B.5.b Management of Financial Resources
2.B.1.f Service Orientation 2.B.5.c Management of Material Resources
2.B.2.i Complex Problem Solving 2.B.5.d Management of Personnel Resources
2.B.3.a Operations Analysis
O*Net Ability Indicators
Element ID Element Name Element ID Element Name
1.A.1.a.1 Oral Comprehension 1.A.2.b.3 Response Orientation
1.A.1.a.2 Written Comprehension 1.A.2.b.4 Rate Control
1.A.1.a.3 Oral Expression 1.A.2.c.1 Reaction Time
1.A.1.a.4 Written Expression 1.A.2.c.2 Wrist-Finger Speed
1.A.1.b.1 Fluency of Ideas 1.A.2.c.3 Speed of Limb Movement
1.A.1.b.2 Originality 1.A.3.a.1 Static Strength
1.A.1.b.3 Problem Sensitivity 1.A.3.a.2 Explosive Strength
1.A.1.b.4 Deductive Reasoning 1.A.3.a.3 Dynamic Strength
1.A.1.b.5 Inductive Reasoning 1.A.3.a.4 Trunk Strength
12 Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual Introduction
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