Page 273 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 273
Discussion/ Activity – Slide 14 (15 Minutes)
Slide 14 – Family Contracts
©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
For Evaluation Only
A selection of family contracts and behavior management plans are
available to download and distribute to parents. See the Teaching Tips at
the beginning of this section for two websites with downloadable charts.
A Family Contract
• What is it? A written set of expectations that adults have of their kids.
The contract includes basic rules, consequences and privileges.
• Developed by parents and kids together to help kids modify
specific behaviors.
• Contents of a Family Contract
• Detailed rules and expectations
• Clear rewards and consequences
• An option to renegotiate the contract at a certain time
• Signatures of parents and kids
Use the Parenting Worksheet to identify two behaviors you would like to
change with your child at home. Identify the problem, what you think needs
to happen, then the rewards and consequences. Suggest parents talk with
their child and create a contract based on the notes on the worksheet.
When Your Kids Are In Trouble Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual 269
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