Page 268 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 268


               Activity – Slide 10 (5 Minutes)

               Slide 10 – What’s the Real Issue? – Substance Abuse

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                 Review the slide for reasons kids may turn to substance abuse.

                                   For Evaluation Only
               Abuse – occasional use, leads to Addiction – dependence on the substance

               What you can do:
                 What’s your take on substance abuse? If you have a problem, chances are
                   your kids will too.  If you are clearly anti-drugs, then make sure the kids
                   know it and the consequences of use.

                 Help kids look at the media messages they are exposed to – talk about it
                 Monitor your kids – who are their friends, where are they, and what are

                   they doing?
                 Watch for risk signs
                 Be open to talking with your kid about what’s bothering them, and how
                   they feel.

                 Get help if you feel your child has a problem with substance abuse.

               264                       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual   When Your Kids Are In Trouble
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