Page 270 - Parenting Instructors Manual
P. 270


                 Lower levels of neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry signals through the
                   nervous system) in the brain, making it hard for a person to be able to feel
                   good. Depression may be passed down from parents. Kids with relatives
                   who have depression may be more likely to have it too.
                 Major life changes can bring on symptoms of depression. Death of a
                   relative, a divorce, moving to a new city or school, problems with friends,
                   and stress can cause depression.  Depression usually lasts weeks or months
                   if left untreated.
               Treatment – Depression can be treated with counseling, medicine, or a
               combination of therapy and medicine.

               Sexual Activity
                               ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
                 When kids hit puberty, the sex hormones kick in and they are more likely
                   to explore sexual relationships.
                 How you feel about it as a parent can influence your kids.
                 Make sure kids have the proper education and know safe sex practices.
                                   For Evaluation Only
                 Talk to your kids about sex early.
                 Kids who are unsupervised or whose parents are not really communicating
                   with them tend to be more sexually active.
                 Peer pressure and wanting to be in a relationship are common reasons for
                   teen sex.

               Eating Disorders
                 Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating are the most common types.
                       o  Binge eating – binges 3 or more times a week – but doesn’t try to
                          purge the food
                       o  Starts as a way to lose weight, but becomes an obsession, an intense
                          fear of being fat, or thinking they are fat when they aren’t.
                       o  Often develops between 13-17 years old, common with girls. They
                          are going through lots of emotional pressures, physical changes, peer
                          pressure, academic stress – they feel their body is something they
                          can control.
                       o  Unrealistic expectations of body image from media
                       o  Can lead to serious health problems

                   Treatment – therapy and counseling

               266                       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual   When Your Kids Are In Trouble
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