Page 35 - Parenting Pamphlets
P. 35

Exercise - What I’ll Do When My Child is Sick
      How Do You Tell When Someone is Sick?
                                                                                                       What will you do when your child is sick? List the steps you would take and where you will go to get
      From Caring for Kids - Patricia Keener, M.D.
                                                                                                       help for your child.
      How sick is someone? Check these things to determine how big a problem you have:                            Situation             What would you do to                I would call...
                                                                           Serious Illness-
             Symptom            Good Signs          Worrisome Signs          Likely Signs                                                   help your child?            I would take him/her
           Appearance     bright-eyed and alert  sleepy, with dull eyes   stares blankly and has                                                                                  to...
                                                 and little expression  glassy-eyed look                My child has diarrhea and a fever  Give him Tylenol, Make    Call him in sick to school.
           Crying         crying is normal       sounds whiny, difficult   cry sounds weak,             of 101° F this morning.        sure he’s drinking. Keep him   Take him to stay at Mom’s
                                                                                                                                       laying down and resting
                                                                                                                                                                     house today.
                                                 to comfort, whimpers   continues to cry or moan,
                                                                                                                         ©2022 Learnovation®, LLC
                                                                        even when comforted             Both my kids are throwing up and
           Activity level  plays and sleeps      fussy when awake and   hard to awaken and has          running temperatures today.
                          normally               sleeps more than usual  little interest in playing
           Appetite       eats normally          takes food and drink   won’t eat or drink              My child has a deep cut on his
                                                 when offered, but only a                               arm from a fight.
                                                 few bites or sips                                      I think my child swallowed some
           Urination      urine (pee) is normal  pee is dark yellow and   appears dry, litte spit and   pills.
                                                 infrequent             urine, eyes appear sunk                                      For Evaluation Only
                                                                        back into head                  The school says my children have
      „ If the person has one or two worrisome signs, call the doctor’s office for advice.

      „ If they have three or more worrisome signs, call the doctor’s office immediately for an appointment.   My child is complaining of a sore
                                                                                                        throat. The school has said some
      „ If there are any serious-illness-likely signs, contact your doctor immediately or seek emergency   kids have had strep throat.
                                                                                                        My two-year old is pulling her
                                                                                                        ears and whining, she’s hot and
      Well-Checkups                                                                                     irritable.

      Making sure your child has routine checkups and medical care when they are                         Get Some Sleep!
      not sick is a good way to track their growth, and identify any possible problems.
      Infants and children under 2 should see a pediatrician (child doctor) regularly                    Kids need plenty of sleep every night. When kids don’t get enough sleep, they can have problems learning
      to make sure they are growing properly and receiving the correct series of shots                   and behaving in school. So just how much sleep do they need a day?
      and immunizations. Children over 2 should have a well-checkup once a year.                         Newborns - 10-18 hours                                        No matter what their age, every
      During this visit, the doctor will check your child’s health and growth and you                    Toddlers & Preschoolers - 10-13 hours                         child should try to go to bed at
      will have a chance to ask any questions about your kids behavior, nutrition,                       School-age Kids - 10-12 hours                                 the same time each night and
      emotions, activity, or any concerns you may have about your child.                                                                                               have a winding-down period
                                                                                                         Teens - 8 1/2 - 9 1/2 hours                                   before they sleep.
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