Page 105 - Career Transitions Workbook - 2021
P. 105
Software Tools/Technologies
©2021 Learnovation®, LLC
For Evaluation Only
5. Edit My Sub-Heading
When you enter your current job title, LinkedIn™ automatically places it right underneath your
name on your profile. So mine would read “Anna Graf Williams, Ph.D.” if I hadn’t edited it.
Don’t leave this headline as is! Not unless your job title itself is so impressive that people would
want to hire you just because of it. (For example, if you’re a joke writer for The Daily Show, that
might be all you need to say!) But for the rest of us, our job title isn’t the most compelling thing
about us.
This sub-header is highly visible in LinkedIn™ search results, so make sure you use it to tell
recruiters something that will communicate your value.
My Sub-Heading:
6. Build a Strong Network of Connections
LinkedIn™’ search results don’t work quite the way a regular search engine does. Instead, when you
search their system, they serve up the names of people who are immediately connected to you
first, and then go on to 2nd degree connections - those people who know someone that you know -
and then third-degree connections and so on and so on.
No. 10 – Your Professional Profile on LinkedIn™ 89